


World Federation for Mental Health




The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) is an international,multi-professional non-governmental organization (NGO), including citizen volunteers and Organization Partners. It was founded in 1948 in the same era as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

世界 精神衛生組織是一個國際性的,多元專業的,非政府的組織。組織內包含市民志願者與機構合作夥伴。世界精神衛生組織成立於1948年,與聯合國,世界衛生組織成立於同一時期。




Mental Health America

|MHA Annual Conference論壇邀請嘉賓

|Mind the Workplace主題宣導夥伴


|Mapping the Mental Health of Communities 研討夥伴

Mental Health America (MHA) is dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. The organization is committed to promoting mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention in services for all; early identification, intervention for those at risk, integrated care, available services, and support for those who need it.

美國 精神健康協會致力於解決精神疾病困擾,同時向大眾傳播精神衛生的重要性。美國精神健康協會重視向大眾傳播精神健康是整體健康的重要組成部分,包括向大眾提供精神疾病治療及預防途徑:情緒狀態衡鑒、精神危機干預、陪護、向需要支持的大眾提供求助途徑。